Welcome to the Global Internet Liberty Campaign Newsletter
Welcome to GILC Alert, the newsletter of the Global
Internet Liberty Campaign. We are an international
organization of groups working for cyber-liberties, who
are determined to preserve civil liberties and human
rights on the internet.
We hope you find this newsletter interesting, and we
very much hope that you will avail yourselves of the
action items in future issues.
If you are a part of an organization that would be
interested in joining GILC, please contact us at
gilc@gilc.org. If you are aware of threats to cyber
liberties that we may not know about, please contact the
GILC members in your country, or contact GILC as a whole.
[A1] GILC Issues Comments on Canadian Cryptography
[B1] Asia/Oceania
[B1.1] Singapore Plans to Create Internet Commerce Laws
[B2] Europe
[B2.1] UK Releases Secure Electronic Commerce Statement
[B2.2] Report Asks Ireland to Self-Regulate
[B3] North America
[B3.1] Daley Calls U.S. Cryptography Policy a Failure
[B3.2] "Expansion of Controls Would Cause Economic Dislocation, Legal
Challenges, and a Political Firestorm"
[B3.3] New Web Site Helps Dissidents
[A1] GILC Issues Comments on Canadian
In response to Industry Canada's request for comments
on the document "A Cryptography Policy Framework for
Electronic Commerce -- Building Canada's Information
Economy and Society," members of the Global Internet
Liberty Campaign issued comments that highlight GILC's
"firm opposition to any policy or legislation that would
limit or prohibit the manufacture, import/export, or use
of strong encryption (without key recovery) for stored
data or real-time communications." GILC explained why
such a policy would be "contrary to international human
rights treaties, harmful to Canadian society, detrimental
to the Canadian economy, and, in the end, simply
unenforceable." Following that same line of thought, Cnet
News quoted, in an article entitled, "Encryption
Regulation Pointless, Experts Say," David Jones,
president of Electronic Frontier Canada (a GILC founding
member): "If the government places restrictions on the
use of cryptography, it would do more harm than
GILC's statement:
Industry Canada's document:
Electronic Frontier Canada: http://www.efc.ca
The OECD Cryptography Policy Guidelines, March
The Cnet article:
Hamilton Spectator article:
[B2] Europe
[B2.1] UK Releases Secure Electronic Commerce Statement
The Department of Trade and Industry issued a
statement that concluded "electronic commerce offers
tremendous opportunities to us all; but unless we harness
those opportunities in policies that are both balanced
and internationally compatible then trust and security
will be the losers." In response, Yaman Akdeniz, head of
the Leeds-based Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK)
(a member of GILC), wrote: "Although the new government
proposals claim that the policy is fully compatible with
the OECD Guidelines, the issue of privacy is carefully
left out again, and there is not even a mention of the
word 'privacy' anywhere in the new statement." While the
organization welcome Britain's undertaking to promote
online commerce, it is not satisfied: some of the more
important issues, such as a right to private
communications and questions related to the system of
judicial warrants, are not clearly explained or
justified. In a press release, Akdeniz reminded the UK
that "a right to privacy will soon be created within the
United Kingdom under the Human Rights Bill and 'a right
to respect for a private life' will be part of the
British law for the first time." Cyber-Rights &
Cyber-Liberties (UK) urged that any "national
developments which have significant importance on the use
of strong encryption should be respected and considered
with any forthcoming policy."
Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) statement
Department of Trade and Industry, "Proposals For
Secure Electronic Commerce Bill Published," PN/98/320, 27
April, 1998
Department of Trade and Industry, Secure Electronic
Commerce Statement
Cnet News article:
GILC's February Statement on UK Encryption Policy:
GILC's "Cryptography and Liberty: An International
Survey of Encryption Policy"
OECD Cryptography Policy Guidelines: Recommendation of
the Council Concerning Guidelines for Cryptography
Policy, 27 March 1997,
[B2.2] Report Asks Ireland to
The Irish Times reported that the government is
expected to urge self-regulation instead of legislation
to curb distribution of child pornography on the
Internet. The report of the "Working Group on Illegal or
Harmful Uses of the Internet" is before the Minister for
Justice, Mr O'Donoghue, and is expected to be published
shortly. The Times understands the report to favor
voluntary codes of conduct, partnership and co-operation
among Internet service providers (ISPs) and other
relevant bodies, rather than statutory regulation. The
report will offer four guidelines. The first is a system
of ISP self-regulation. The second establishes a hotline.
The third would set up a national advisory board; "This
body would be responsible for running the complaints
hotline, as well as promoting a safe Internet
environment, and would include members from ISPs, the
Government, education and child protection bodies, the
Information Society Commission and Internet users."
Finally, the report calls for a public awareness program.
Read GILC's Statement: "Impact of Self-Regulation and
Filtering on Human Rights to Freedom of Expression"
presented to the OECD on 25 March 1998,
[B3] North America
[B3.1] Daley Calls U.S. Cryptography Policy
a Failure
In a surprising development, Department of Commerce
Secretary William M. Daley, in a speech on April 15th,
called the US's current cryptography policy a failure. He
is quoted as saying: "We have not been able to agree
amongst ourselves or with the business community on how
to reach a balanced policy. We have not been able to
agree on what products can be exported or on how to
implement the policies that we have announced, such as
that concerning financial institutions. And we have not
been able to agree on what we want to encourage companies
to do or on what we want Congress to do." So far,
however, Daley's turnaround has not resulted in a change
in the Clinton administration's course.
Read GILC's survey on global cryptography policies:
[B3.2] "Expansion of Controls Would Cause
Economic Dislocation, Legal Challenges, and a Political
In a related concession, the Electronic Privacy
Information Center (EPIC is a GILC founding member)
obtained an internal government memorandum using the
Freedom of Information Act, where another high-ranking US
official acknowledged that "key-escrow" encryption is
"more costly and less efficient" than non-escrowed
products. In a memo to a group of high-ranking government
officials, William A. Reinsch, Undersecretary of Commerce
for Export Administration, highlighted the consequences
of continuing the administration's cryptography policy.
One of his major concerns involves the crippling effects
on industry a protracted Clinton policy would have:
"Consumers will stop buying US products now because they
see our producers will be limited in their capacity to
upgrade and expand their markets. Foreign manufacturers.
. . are ready to replace us in the market. The effect
will be not only to damage U.S. firms but to subsidize
(by ceding market share and revenue) the foreign
production of non-key recovery products. . . ." Reinsch
noted that attempts to limit companies upgrades of
software would "cause serious economic dislocation, legal
challenges, and a political firestorm." Reinch also
underscored the problems of the administration's current
policy: "Police forces are reluctant to use 'escrowed'
encryption products (such as radios in patrol cars). . .
. There can be long gaps in reception due to the escrow
features - sometimes as long as a ten second pause. Our
own police do not use recoverable encryption products;
they buy the same non-escrowable products used by their
counterparts in Europe and Japan."
Read the full memo: http://www.epic.org/crypto/key_escrow/reinsch_memo.html
OECD Cryptography Policy Guidelines: Recommendation of
the Council Concerning Guidelines for Cryptography
Policy, 27 March 1997,
[B3.3] New Web Site Helps Dissidents
Wired reports that the Digital Freedom Network has
setup an Internet forum for dissidents from around the
world. Recognizing the Internet's importance to the human
rights struggle, DFN will start hosting 200 banned works:
newspaper articles, fiction, poems and drawings from
authors like China's Bao Ge, Algeria's Salima Ghezali,
Pius Njawe of Cameroon, Cuba's Raul Rivero and Koigi wa
Wamwere of Kenya. The group's director, Bobson Wong, said
the Internet site "is a powerful tool in the fight
against censorship. The Internet is the most significant
invention in mass communication since the printing press.
It gives people unprecedented reach. One person with
Internet access can instantly contact millions of people
around the world."
The Digital Freedom Network:
GILC's Statement on the Internet and Human Rights:
Read the Wired story: http://www.wired.com/news/news/email/member/culture/story/12116.html
Raafat S. Toss
GILC Organizer Developer
American Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad Street
New York, New York 10004
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